If you like this proposal, let me know and I will email you a customized copy of it as an official offer.

This proposal includes all the following:
Up to 20 page website built on WordPress.
Page selection is customizable to your needs but typical pages would include:  Home, About, Contact, Shopping Cart, Checkout, Shop Page, Product Category Page, 12 Individual Product Pages, My Account, Terms of service, Privacy policy.
Additional pages above 20 can be bought for $80 per page.
Shopping cart built with the WooCommerce plugin.
WordPress uses page builder software on top of it to create and style the actual pages. You can look up Divi, WP Bakery or Elementor if you want more details.
I always use the Elementor page builder.  It is the most popular one as well as the best.  With Elementor your site will be built with web standards and no custom coding.
Custom coding can cause problems over the life of the website.
Includes 1 Elementor Pro license good until August of the next year when I renew them annually.  Thereafter, you may purchase a yearly Elementor license from me for half the advertised price on the Elementor website. Currently the advertised price is $60/yr.  You site will continue to work without a current Elementor license, so purchase of annual license is optional.
Includes fully optimized mobile, desktop and tablet versions of each page. Each page will be individually optimized in detail to look good on phone and tablet.
SEO keyword research for up to 5 keywords. Client to supply all SEO relevant text and I will insert the keywords.
Note:  SEO optimization relies on the text that is on the site.  You provide the site text and I can add keywords.
Training:  Includes up to 2 hours training on how to create new products, archive old ones, change prices, create sales, manage your site administration.
If you have basic computer skills this will be easy for you.  It’s about the same difficulty of using a web browser or MS Word.  No programming required.
Training is conducted on Zoom screen sharing, not in person.  Additional training hours may be purchased at $50/hr.
Client to provide web hosting and domain name on Godaddy or other commercial web service of their choice (e.g. Bluehost).  I recommend Godaddy.
This proposal assumes I work from a fresh install of WordPress on a commercial hosting service like those above.
Alternatively, I can host your site on my own hosting but there is an additional charge for that service.  See web hosting on my site for details.
Client to provide text content, product images, prices, product descriptions.  Each image should be under 1MB in data weight but if your images
are heavier than that, I can reduce them.
It’s best if you have multiple images of each product from different angles and the backgrounds compliment the global colors of the website.
Client may also provide a logo if desired.  A logo is not necessary.  We can use stylized text as a logo instead.
A few additional stock images and videos are included if desired by client.
Developer will optimize images for web, but page load speed is dependent on hosting web server and visitor Internet connection and is not guaranteed.
Includes 2 hours of online WordPress and Elementor training.
$999 total cost
1/2 down, 1/2 immediately upon 95% completion but before any finishing touches or online training.
Includes 30 warranty for fixes and minor revisions.
Payable via Zelle, Venmo or Paypal
Completion Time:
7-14 days depending on the number of products and their complexity (e.g. simple vs. configurable products).
TIMING NOTE:  This completion time depends on the client having content ready in time.  Content may be delivered all at once or piecemeal,
but client acknowledges that any delays in receiving content will result in equal delays of project delivery time.
What I Need From You:
How you want to pay me.  I accept Zelle, Venmo, PayPal or paper check mailed to me.
Domain name and web hosting.  See details above.
E-commerce settings:  your payment gateway for the site.  This is how your site collects payment from customers.  Woocommerce supports either PayPal or Stripe.
It’s best for an optimal checkout experience to create / have a vetted business account with PayPal or Stripe. Personal payment accounts do not work as well.
Alternatively if you have your own e-commerce merchant account and payment gateway such as Authorize.net there is an additional charge. However, I recommend PayPal or Stripe for your site.
Shipping rates and sales tax nexus.  Do your own research on tax nexus and consult a tax professional but basically it means your physical locations or where you do substantial business. 
Are shipping rates per product or per order?
“Delegate Access” to me on your Godaddy or other commercial hosting account.  Go to Accounts > Delegate Access.
If you already have one, I need the current WordPress Admin login name and pw. This is different from your Godaddy login.  Do not give out your Godaddy login to anyone.  If you don’t have a WP admin ID, it’s ok, I will go into WP admin through Godaddy and create an admin ID for the site.
Optional: If you have a preferred color palette, please provide that.  e.g.  black /yellow / white / blue, etc.
Optional: If there are any other comparable sites of competitors, etc.  that you like the design, send me the links to those sites so I will have an idea of what styles you like.
Content:  you supply words, images, videos, etc.  I can provide some stock images and/or videos.
Any social media links you want the website to link to.
Business meta data:  address, business phone, business email, administration email if different, policies written out in MS Word or email, terms of service,  etc.
I can provide generic terms of service and privacy policy if you don’t have your own.